A FOREST OF STARS "The Corpse of Rebirth" (DIY)

The violin which mourns in the introductory "God" sets the climate of a record which extends its sounds through a gray landscape. With constant development and basically a minimalistic musical pattern, the narrative sounds of A Forest of Stars seem to be believably haunted. If they draw inspiration from the so called suicidal black metal it is hard to say with certainty. Nevertheless, if i were to compare this record to the music of Silencer or Ondskapt I'd say that there's no such thing as similarities among them, yet the distance which departs these albums isn't very far. Both the piano and the violin introduce once more the weeping theme of "Female" and color a so anguished sonic background until everything gets peaceful under ambient tunes. All these things happen before the storm rages on again, of course. A more atmospheric "Male" follows and ends up with an absolutely theatrical interpretation and culmination. The record ends with "Earth and Matter" and "Microcosm" in a similar way of expression. The only difference is some tribal musical references which confer a special nature in the whole style of this band's music. Generally, this is an album you deserve to discover.

Miltos XIC

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